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Diverse News from Home and the Diaspora

CDC said it is conducting further studies to see how long the virus can remain viable in body fluids of male and female survivors and the likelihood of sexual transmission.

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CDC Cautions Against Unprotected Sex With Ebola Survivors

May 1, 2015

Report issued after case in Liberia suggests virus persists longer in semen than previously thought and officials are studying likelihood of sexual transmission


US health officials are now recommending people avoid contact with the semen of Ebola survivors after a woman in Liberia contracted Ebola through sexual intercourse with a survivor of the disease.

In a report issued on Friday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a review of the 44-year-old woman's case now suggests that the Ebola virus persists longer in semen than previously thought.

CDC said it is conducting further studies to see how long the virus can remain viable in body fluids of male and female survivors and the likelihood of sexual transmission.

Until more information is known, CDC recommends that if male survivors choose to have sex – oral, vaginal, or anal – they should use a condom every time.

Source: By The Guardian

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